Why Do People Become Gambling Addicts?
The act of gambling entails the risking something of worth for the purpose of winning something else, usually with the aim of winning more. In gambling, risk is always involved. Gambling involves three factors to be present in a situation: chance, consideration, and a prize. These three factors may be present individually or in combination as in a gaming. In gambling, you will never know what will happen, therefore you need to have a contingency plan.
A few signs that you are addicted to gambling include the fact that you have to gamble in order to feel good about yourself, you feel a constant need for it, you may spend more money than you normally would on your casino consumptions and you are constantly seeking excitement. There are different types of addictions, one being cigarette addiction and the other being alcohol and drugs addictions. The addiction to gambling is somewhat higher risk, but it can be considered a serious disorder if it affects the life of the gambler.
It is estimated that a person is hooked to gambling at least once by the time they reach their thirties if not sooner. Research has shown that the problem of gambling addiction is increasing at an alarming rate. The number of states with gambling problems is also on the rise. In the United States alone, there are approximately four hundred and sixty-two gambling addiction treatment facilities and programs. The number of rehabilitation centers for gambling is three times higher than for alcoholism and drug addiction combined.
Many people struggle for years before they finally seek help for their gambling addiction. This can be because of denial, because of shame or because of a fear of associating with others who have the problem. Many people who suffer from gambling addiction often attempt to hide their problem from others. One of the ways people try to avoid sharing their problem is by forming friendships with other gamblers. It is not uncommon for a person who suffers from addiction to gambling to attend gamblers’ clubs, purchase lottery tickets, or share information with other individuals who suffer from gambling addiction.
Addiction to gambling is usually more severe in people who have had alcohol and drug addictions. People who suffer from gambling addictions are typically more aware of the rules of the game than those who have only had alcohol or drug addictions. People who are higher risk tend to gamble more frequently, especially when they have strong attachments to a particular game. As a result, people who have gambling addictions are at a higher risk for developing psychological addictions such as eating disorders or becoming obsessed with one game.
Gambling addiction is treatable in most cases. Gamblers can use the Internet and many professional gamblers’ organizations can also provide therapy for gambling addicts. If you suspect that you may have an addiction to gambling, you should contact your local Gamblers Anonymous group or a local gambling addiction professional to get help for your gambling behavior.