Cultural Tourism


Cultural Tourism

Travel is the movement of individuals between different remote geographical areas. Travel can also be one way, between any two points within a country, or between any two points at different times, and can even be round trip or two ways. It can also be a combination of ways, which are called cross-country travel, and tours of different destinations in a single country. A common mode of travel is through the air, as the transport of air-borne passengers and cargo. Another common mode of travel is by road, as the transport of freight from one point to another.

To travel means to go or come to a destination. So, if you want to travel by plane, then it is a journey. If you want to travel by train, then that is also a journey. If you want to cross the seas, then that is also a journey. Traveling is not only the movement of things from one place to another, but the conveyance of information, ideas, culture, customs, social patterns, and political or religious beliefs. A person going on a journey is described by the verb travel, as moving from one place to another.

The complete word journey literally means ‘to proceed.” Thus, a journey is a series of actions or events, happening in a sequence, from beginning to end. In the context of travel, the verb travels indicates the act of proceeding or completion. Traveling in a cultural context, the verb travels pertains to the transfer of cultural experiences, knowledge, values, and experiences to a new location.

One example of travel in a cultural context is when a student travels from home to college or university. That is to say, his or her journey is not just from one place to another, but from one cultural area to another. His or her educational experience is broadened by the fact that he or she crosses political, economic, and other geographical boundaries.

Cultural tourism may be considered an offshoot of commercial tourism. Unlike commercial tourism, cultural tourism is geared toward enhancing the experience of the individual traveler. For example, the ancient culture of India has greatly impacted today’s modern Indian tourist industry. As such, this type of tourism may be best described as a unique blend of art, history, dance, cuisine, and wildlife tourism.

Cultural tourism may be very diverse, but it does share one similarity with other forms of tourism. All forms of tourism must cater to the needs of the people who plan to travel. Therefore, if your business plan is to create a long-term customer base, you must always keep this in mind. Whether you are planning a leisure trip for business or pleasure, or are working in the tourism industry to fulfill a personal dream, people travel for various reasons, and that reason must be the enjoyable and satisfying journey.